Case Studies

Retiring with multiple properties – should Sara and Marc sell, downsize or keep in the family?
How we can help
- Planning for tax obligations in different countries
- Selling at market today vs. the future
- Passing on property to children

A doctor with a new family – when is the right time for Michael to incorporate his practice?
How we can help
- Financial implications of incorporating his practice
- Blended family and common-law considerations
- Integrating financial planning for a child with disabilities

A successful business owner about to retire, but are they considering the full family picture?
How we can help
- Business transition options
- Estate planning for blended families
- Vacation property succession planning

CFO of a public company – What legacy will they leave behind?
How we can help
- Clarifying the tax implications of executive compensation
- Cash flow and tax-efficient planning for the family
- Strategies to enhance charitable giving

Estate planning when one of your loved ones has a disability – what should Alan and Sue consider?
How we can help
- Planning for a beneficiary with a disability
- Planning for a beneficiary who is a spendthrift
- Guidance on family communication strategies